Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas

What could be better than a bike for Christmas? maybe a Malvern star?. Nope sorry it is not mine, but it will be Clayton's daugther, Emily's in just 2 sleeps. You know the drill you have to hide it till the day, I could not resist on the photo.
But I hope you all have a great one, play it safe, and hopefully have a nice little holiday. I'll be working, but there will be a nice little relax down the coast to look forward to.


  1. haha Kev thats a funny pic! What a great bike too add too your collection. Milly looks cute in the pic and shes is staring at you as if to say "What is he doing?!" haha oh and yes Giga wanted me too tell you your silly haha =] cya

  2. you are a bit big for the bike ha ha merry christmas to you and kendra and have a great new year
    take care you two
    love leanne and ray
