Saturday, March 6, 2010

Dead legs

Things are about 2 steps forward 1 step back for me at the moment. Physically I have been going well but I had a bike fit last monday and it is taking some getting use to. At first after the fit I thought this is awesome it all feels so right, I can hold higher power for longer and it was all good. I did take things a little easy this week and brought my recovery week forward. Even so I went for my ride today and I have been smashing muscules that were not there before and it is taking time to build them up. So I returned home cutting a ride very short today, but hopefully it won't take long to get use to this position. I hope I'm ready for Easter....I know it sounds weird how a bike setup can make such a difference like this but when things were adjusted from one extreme to the other I think it does take a bit, I'm also talking 40mm in seat height cleat position, foot wedges, sending brand new shoes off for an extra 11mm in height etc etc. It is strange how 2 years ago I got a bike fit done and I was set up to that position and now a trip to Sydney and 4.5 hours in a room and I come out with something so much different. But I know in 4-6 weeks I will see the results.
I decided to get this done as I knew things were not right for me. I knew I had a big difference in leg lengths and now I also know I has 8mm difference in feet sizing. All things that can be sorted with a bike fit from the right person. So now I've done it and I will keep you posted on the improvements which there will be.
Lately things have been a little busy, I've been wanting to do some local racing but with a few little mechanical problems needing attention and lots to do I have been putting some racing on hold. Funny how things happen I had my entry all ready to go yesturday for the MTB cruise at stromlo. Then decided with the rain, that I'd had enough of riding in it and my bikes had too. Then with my form this morning I'm glad I did not do it. But I hope all the mountains to beach riders plus all the MTB cruise riders have a good one and enjoy it.


  1. Was it Steve Hogg who did the fit?

  2. It sure was, and it was good to get all the little things sorted then and there. Most places just tell you what you need (I'm talking shims etc) and let you go.
